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Free Workshops for Educators to Move Classes Online

With COVID-19 disruptions causing an unprecedented shift to online K-12 instruction, Emporia State is offering free workshops to help Kansas educators transition their face-to-face classes to online formats.

ESU’s Department of Instructional Design and Technology recently conducted a needs assessment of Kansas educators and developed the following workshops. Each workshop will be one hour and provide quick solutions to various online teaching problems in all grade levels and special education. Interested people need to register by Sunday, May 24, through Workshops include:

  • Tuesday, May 26, 2:00-3:00pm (CDT): Using Digital Choice Boards to Demonstrate Learning — This session provides teachers with practical resources for using digital choice boards to provide students with flexible learning paths to the learning goal.
  • Tuesday, May 26, 3:00-4:00pm (CDT): Creating a Wix Website — Create a free Wix instructional website, or for additional responsibilities, or student created sites.
  • Wednesday, 5/27, 2:00-3:00pm (CDT): Using Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) to Guide Online Instruction for Students with Disabilities — This session will provide an overview on best practices and meeting the Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals for students with disabilities in an online environment.
  • Wednesday, 5/27, 3:00-4:00pm (CDT): Integrating Assessment into Video-based Instruction — This session will showcase a tool called EdPuzzle which can help instructors easily create video based instruction off from some of the video repository sites and add assessment questions to the instruction.
  • Thursday, 5/28, 2:00-3:00pm (CDT): Creating and Implementing a Real-time Formative Assessment for Online Teaching — This session will introduce an engaging real-time formative assessment tool that is powerful, useful, and easy to use called GoFormative. This session will provide an overview of how to effectively and efficiently create and implement the tool in an online learning environment.
  • Thursday, 5/28, 3:00-4:00pm (CDT): Introducing the TekEffect: Protecting Kids from the Side Effects of Technology — In this presentation, research into the side effects of our dominant technologies (television, computers, videogames and smart phones) will be explored. We’ll end with some recommended ways for addressing these problems.

These workshops will be live and interactive, though registrants who wish may instead access the training afterwards to review asynchronously. Follow up workshops for those who want more in-depth training are also available.

Documentation will be available as needed to satisfy professional development requirements for learning plan and licensure purposes. For anyone needing credit hours for their participation, details are available through the workshop listing website. Anyone with questions about the workshops can contact Dr. Dabae Lee at