Undergraduate Admissions Transfer Connect
Know which credits transfer before you enroll
Transfer Connect
Now is the time to engage with Emporia State — before taking college courses either in high school or at a community college.
Connecting with an advisor early, even while you're still in high school, ensures that you aren't wasting money on college credits that won't transfer to Emporia State.
Already enrolled in college classes?
No problem. Simply share your classes with your ESU advisor as soon as possible to ensure they will transfer to ESU.
Connect with an academic advisor
The earlier you connect with your ESU advisor, the better. This ensures you're getting the most out of the credits you are taking. Even if you're starting out at a community college, you'll benefit from engaging with us. If you're looking for help navigating the transfer course database or applying for admissions, contact a student advisor via the button below. Or explore the resource links.

Apply as a transfer student
View the admission process and admission requirements for incoming transfer students to Emporia State.

Transfer student resources
Explore the transfer database, transfer credit policy, articulation agreements, frequently asked questions and general education information.