2009 Award Winners
2009 Kansas Master Teachers
* Special Award, ** Black Endowed Chair Recipient
2009 Kansas Master Teachers to be Honored
Spring 2009
Emporia State University is pleased to announce seven teachers as the 2009 class of Kansas Master Teachers. The recipients will be honored at ESU on Wednesday, Feb. 25.
- Kenneth J. Bingman - Honors and AP Biology - USD 229 Blue Valley
- Christy Boerner - Kindergarten - USD 320 Wamego
- Barbara Cole - Seventh-Eighth Grade Art, ELL, Leadership - USD 450 Shawnee Heights
- Beverly Furlong - Kindergarten - USD 231 Gardner Edgerton
- Jeline Harclerode - CONNECT Teacher - USD 253 Emporia
- Barbara McCalla - Third Grade - USD 402 Augusta
- Sarah Meadows - K-5 Numeracy Coach - USD 501 Topeka
Recognition day activities include: a tour of the National Teachers Hall of Fame, a session in the One Room Schoolhouse, a luncheon with ESU President Michael Lane, a seminar, social, and an awards dinner in the evening.
Emporia State University established the Kansas Master Teacher awards in 1953. The awards are presented annually to teachers who have served the profession long and well and who also typify the good qualities of earnest and conscientious teachers. The Kansas Master Teacher Program expresses appreciation for the generosity of Bank of America (formerly NationsBank and Bank IV - Emporia) which has underwritten this program for over 20 years.

This program contains the names of the Master Teacher Nominees for the year listed here.
Biographies below were included in the program for the year listed here and were current as of that time.
Kenneth J. Bingman
Honors and AP Biology Instructor
Blue Valley West High School
USD 229 Blue Valley
Kennerh J. Bingman has learned a central truth in his 46 years of reaching experience: the most important requirement is for the instructor to love reaching and to like students. "At this age they are the most dynamic,
energetic, creative, and fun-loving people I know," Bingman writes. "One of the challenges is to channel their limitless energy and positive attitudes toward learning. When this happens, students become perpetual learners."
Bingman embodies these very same characteristics, leaving his mark as a highly renowned educator who former students seek our for friendship and mentoring, a man who spends his summers leading students around the world on educational adventures.
"Mr. Bingman has made a permanent mark on science education worldwide," one former student writes. Another former student describes how Bingman's methods extended beyond biology, and the habit of learning. "He is able to teach his students how they learn, making it easier for them to absorb the necessary information in a more timely and efficient manner. It is because of his guidance that I will be much more successful in college than I could hope to be otherwise."
Tom Trigg, Blue Valley superintendent, has been a student under Bingman and watched his children study under Bingman, and now oversees the entire district. "In all my years as a school administrator (30 years) I have never seen a resume as impressive as Ken's," Trigg writes. "His passion for reaching, the reaching profession, the sciences, and students is at a level very seldom seen."
Bingman earned his bachelor's degree from the University of Kansas and his master's degree in biology from Emporia State University. He has taught high school students since 1963.
Lynne "Christy" Boerner
Central Elementary School
USD 320 Wamego
Lynne "Christy" Boerner received a powerful reminder of the impact of teaching when a former student, now in her ninth year of teaching, wrote to Boerner about her memories of kindergarten.
"She said when she was in my kindergarten classroom that her parents were going through a divorce and school was the safe and secure place for her to come each day," Boerner recalled. "She explained that because of my influence, she had decided that she too wanted to become a teacher. When I received this letter, I read it and cried because I knew I made a difference in the life of a student. This is what teaching is all about!"
In and our of the classroom, Boerner's record shows a well-rounded educator, involved in school and community activities. A fellow teacher writes that challenging students thrive in Boerner's classroom because she cares for each one's unique needs. And after 31 years in the classroom, she's beginning to teach the children of former students. "All parents are thrilled when they find out Mrs. Boerner will be their child's teacher, bur the parents who were once her students are more thrilled because they know her and the wonderful learning environment she provides."
A current student, in a nomination letter adorned with crayon drawings, writes on Boerner's behalf, paraphrased: "Because she's a good teacher, because she helps me and I love her. I am so happy that she is my teacher." A parent writes, "As a speech-language pathologist having worked in several different school districts, I believe Mrs. Boerner is the finest kindergarten teacher I have met."
Boerner earned a bachelor's degree in elementary education from Kansas State University in 1977, and a master's degree in curriculum and instruction from KSU in 1993. She has taught Wamego kindergarteners since 1978.
Barbara Duffer Cole
Seventh-Eighth Grade Art, ELL, Leadership
Shawnee Heights Middle School
USD 450 Shawnee Heights
Drawing upon the lifelong learning skills her parents instilled in her, Barbara Duffer Cole molds her classroom environment so that students relate the curriculum to past and present experiences. She also maintains the classroom as a safe and nurturing environment.
"I believe teachers are the most important role models for setting an example for other students to follow," Cole writes. "It is how teachers handle difficult situations in the classroom that teach our students respect, kindness and patience. These qualities are essential for the classroom and also for students to learn to be caring, productive citizens."
As an artist, Cole brings our the students' sense of self-expression. As a friend and mentor, she connects with each one. Tim Hallacy, Shawnee Heights Middle School principal, said Cole has a "deep, empathetic ability" to reach students across the spectrum, from English language learners to student council leaders. "Barb took over our Student Council when no one else wanted to and transformed it into a Student Leadership Academy," Hallacy writes. "In doing so, she quadrupled the number of student participants, changed the focus from social activities to leadership development, and provided multiple opportunities for our students to get involved and give back to the community in which they live."
A former student commends Cole for her hands-on methods in art classes. "In my opinion, that boos ts their self-confidence knowing that they can understand the material, and 1 think it helps them learn in other places," the student wrote. "The fact that you also make it fun is just an added bonus. What is also amazing is that you get along so well with your students."
Cole earned a bachelor's degree in art education from Washburn University. She also holds a master of arts in education from Baker University and an ESOL endorsement from Kansas State University. She began teaching in 1991.
Beverly Steele Furlong
Sunflower Elementary School
USD 231 Gardner Edgerton
An accomplished teacher and expressive writer, Beverly Steele Furlong exudes joy as she describes her class room experiences. She has fashioned four guiding principles to keep her grounded while reaching: that all children can learn; that the learner can be involved in constructing new meaning; that education is a collaborative process with parents, colleagues and the community; and that teaching requires continually renewed instructional practices.
"Ir is my hope that the story of my class room is one of innovation and inquiry," she writes. "It is my expectation that students leave my classroom with the essential skills and undaunted attitudes to be lifetime problem solvers and seekers of deeper understandings."
Dustin Mortenson, the Sunflower Elementary School principal, says Furlong is a highly regarded teacher for her habit of building consensus with all stakeholders. "On numerous occasions I have consulted with Bev on matters ranging from early childhood programming to Sunflower traditions, and throughout all of our brainstorming sessions Bev has demonstrated a thoughtful, professional, and dedicated resolve to maintain a focus on doing what is best for our kids," he writes.
A parent whose three children passed through Furlong's classroom attests ro her influence. "Her ability to challenge my kids according to their abilities and work with them in areas of need was very important to me," the parent wrote. "She is most definitely one of the most positive influences not only on my kids, but on my entire family. My kids' love for school can be attributed to the awesome start they had from Bev Furlong in kindergarten."
Furlong earned a bachelor's degree in education from Emporia State University in 1986, an ESL endorsement from Kansas State University in 1999, and a master of education in technology-enhanced teaching from MidAmerica Nazarene University in 2006. She began teaching kindergarten in 1986.
Jeline Harclerode
Emporia Middle School
USD 253 Emporia
Mrs. Jeline Harclerode has taken the concept of caring to another level as a teacher, engaging her students in and our of the classroom - particularly those who are the most challenging - with an attitude of "whatever it takes."
'''Whatever it takes' means meeting adolescents at their level of need; it means listening to their most recent accomplishments or the conditions of their probation - with unconditional acceptance," Harclerode writes. "They are not looking for advice; they are looking for someone to listen."
Harclerode has been listening to Emporia students since 1974. As a consummate professional, she is full y engaged in professional and community organizations and consistently participates in district committee work. She teaches CONNECT classes, instructing students in integrated computer use. One student recalls what Harclerode wrote in his yearbook: "Even when you were disrupting class you were doing it with a smile!" The student writes, "What I would say to that is, I did it with a smile because of Mrs. Harclerode. She made everything worthwhile."
Steve Ternes, Emporia Middle School principal, was one of her nominators. He noted her rapport with students and colleagues. "If anyone has earned the title of mentor extraordinaire, it is Mrs. Harclerode; she is truly the matriarch of our professional staff and not by choice, bur by the values and wisdom she exemplifies."
Harclerode has taught in the Emporia USD 253 school district her entire career, and in Emporia Middle School since 1997 as a CONNECT teacher. She earned a bachelor's degree in education from Baker University in 1973, and a master's degree in special education from Emporia State University in 1974.
Barbara McCalla
Third Grade
Garfield Elementary School
USD 402 Augusta
Teaching since 1967, Barbara McCalla has learned to emphasize caring and patience. "My students must know that I am a constant factor in their lives, that I really care about them, and that I will serve as their advocate," she writes. "I believe that teamwork and cooperation are essential components in my classroom and know that learning will take place in this environment."
An award-winning teacher and involved member of her community, McCalla has a record of exceptional service and professional growth, but she's at her best with students. Kim Christner, Garfield Elementary School principal, takes pleasure in seeing McCalla work with students.
"The first thing you notice upon entering her classroom is her quiet demeanor as she speaks with calm, soothing assurance and acts as every child's personal cheerleader," Christner writes. "As you look at the children you notice the smiling faces, the bright, intelligent eyes, and the confidence they have in their learning."
A former 3rd grade student, now an 8th grader, recalls the impact of her favorite teacher. "Mrs. McCalla had such an influence on me during the year I was her student," the student writes. "I remember how she had a very gentle way of teaching. She always gave me the individual attention I needed to excel. When I had to give a presentation, she encouraged me, which gave me the confidence to speak in from of the class."
McCalla earned her bachelor of music education degree from Wichita State University in 1967, and a master's of music education from WSU in 1971. She began teaching in 1967.
Sarah Meadows
K-5 Numeracy Coach
Scott Computer Technology Magnet School
USD 501 Topeka
Sarah Smith Meadows always tells fellow teachers, especially first-year colleagues, to watch their moods - because a teacher is the "weather" in a classroom: "My actions and attitude are contagious and will determine the type of day my students will have," she writes. "If I am suffering with a love of learning and learning math, then I want all my students to catch that disease. I set the tone of learning in my classroom."
The feeling is infectious. Students and colleagues alike recognize how engaging her math lessons are, and the accomplished teacher sets the tone with her work ethic and broader engagement.
"Sarah Meadows lives and breathes mathematics," writes Deborah Sidwell, the Scott school principal. "She engages every single student in the richness of mathematics by employing a variety of questioning techniques and effective use of wait time. She has an incredible depth of knowledge of mathematics and of children that guides everything she does."
A former student who entered Meadows' fourth-grade math class admittedly "loathed" math, and initially feared the class. Soon, though, she was fully engaged. "This obviously had very little to do with the subject and everything to do with the teacher," the former student writes. "I was so enamored with [Meadows] and her ability to get everyone in the classroom passionate about something. Everyone enjoyed being in this classroom, even if they didn't like math."
Meadows earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics education from Emporia State University in 1974, and she began teaching in that same year.