Social-Emotional Learning & Psychological Well-Being Certificate
This certificate can be completed entirely online
Social-Emotional Learning & Psychological Well-Being Certificate
The 18-credit hour certificate in Social Emotional Learning and Psychological Well-Being will further educators, mental health professionals and others in the science of social-emotional learning, development, and interventions, and aspects related to diversity and systems change. This program was developed through collaborative efforts by ESU’s counselor education department, elementary education/early childhood education department, and psychology department. Students can complete this certificate completely online.
- Coursework required + options
18 hours required: Must take coursework in 4 of the 5 areas
Crisis Management
PY565 / 765 School Crisis Response – The PREPaRE Model 3 cr hr
CE801 Crisis Counseling and Trauma-Informed Care 3 cr hr
Diversity and Cultural Awareness
PY846 Culture, Assessment and Treatment in Psychology 3 cr hr
CE708 Multicultural Counseling 3 cr hr
EL 535 Cultural Awareness for Educators 3 cr hr
Counseling & Behavioral Interventions
SD805 – Advanced Behavior Interventions 3 cr hr
SD802 Seminar in Behavior Management 3 cr hr
CE830 Group Processes in Counseling 3 cr hr
Social Emotional Development & Learning
EL 515 Introduction to Trends in Trauma and Resilience in Education 3 cr hr
SD560 – Collaboration and Strategies for Inclusive Settings 3 cr hr
PY836 School Based Prevention & Intervention 3 cr hr
Systems Change and Research
PY801 School Psychological Consultation 3 cr hr
PY760 Research and Statistical Analysis for School and Applied Psychologist 3 cr hr
Each candidate will be assigned an advisor in the candidate’s main area of interest, background, or specialization. The advisor and candidate will develop a plan of study including courses to be taken. This plan of study will be submitted for approval to the department chair.
Transfer credits allowed:
Up to six transfer credit hours from a regionally accredited institution can be accepted.

Why ESU?
Our students enjoy the benefits of small classes and a close relationship with ESU faculty and real experiences for the real world.
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How to Contact Us
Phone fas fa-phone-alt 620-341-5028
Email fas fa-envelope Eric True, Graduate Advisor
fas fa-envelope Have questions? Contact the Dr. Jerry Liss.
Mailing Address
Department of Elementary Education / Early Childhood / Special Education
Emporia State University
1 Kellogg Circle
Campus Box 4036
Emporia, KS 66801