Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Rehabilitation Services, General & Special Education Certificate
Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Rehabilitation Services, General + Special Education Certificate
This interdisciplinary online program helps professionals who work with persons with ASD and their family members develop the knowledge and skills needed to do so effectively. This program is taught by faculty specializing in Special Education.
The ASD graduate certificate requires 12 graduate credit hours. It can be completed either independent from or as a part of a master’s degree. The program is designed for the following professionals:
- Education (e.g., early childhood, general or special education)
- Counseling (e.g., rehabilitative counseling, school counseling)
- Psychology (e.g., school psychology)
- Art therapy
Additional Information
- Required application materials
Application Process
Upon filling out the application, one has the choice to choose a concentration to supplement their Master's Degree. If one does not desire to choose a concentration, then leave that section blank on the application.
Copy of government-issued ID
Official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended
Submitting Application Materials
The following items must be provided/completed at the time of application submission through the Application Portal:
*Unofficial bachelor's degree transcript
*Copy of government-issued ID
Official transcripts
Students must submit official bachelor’s degree transcripts containing at least 60 credit hours of coursework and final grades. Any additional transcripts from college credit accumulated after the bachelor’s degree MUST be submitted if you will be using these credits for transfer credit or for last 60 GPA. Transcripts are considered official when they arrive in the Graduate Office in a sealed envelope from the issuing institution or are received through a secure electronic transcript service to
If the transcripts need to be mailed, send to:
Emporia State University
Graduate School
Campus Box 4003
Emporia State University
1 Kellogg Circle
Emporia, KS 66801-5415

Why ESU?
Whether you are pursuing a master's degree or a graduate certificate, this online program can be part of reaching your career goals.
Take Action
How to Contact Us
Phone fas fa-phone-alt 620-341-5028
Email fas fa-envelope Eric True, Graduate Advisor
fas fa-envelope Have questions? Contact Dr. Marj Bock.
Mailing Address
Department of Elementary Education / Early Childhood / Special Education
Emporia State University
1 Kellogg Circle
Campus Box 4036
Emporia, KS 66801
Physical Address
Department of Elementary Education / Early Childhood / Special Education
(on the ESU main campus)
1701 Morse Road
Visser Hall, 2nd Floor
Main Office, Rm 211