Elementary STEM Education Certificate
Elementary STEM Education Certificate
Robots and drones are just the beginning. If you want to bring hands-on, engaging STEM instruction into your elementary classroom, while at the same time increasing your own content knowledge, consider our certificate program. This 12-hour program is for classroom teachers and teacher leaders who desire enhanced knowledge of STEM education in elementary and middle schools and is appropriate for educators who already have a master’s degree or those who have not yet begun a master’s program.
- EL 803 Best Practices in Elementary Science
- EL 726 Elementary Engineering and Robotics
- EL 802 Best Practices in Elementary Mathematics
- EL 784 Trends in STEM Education

Why ESU?
This 12-hour program is entirely online and can be completed in three to four semesters. You also may start the program in the spring, fall and summer semesters. You will connect with other educators across the state and country and the credits you earn can be applied to graduate degree programs offered through The Teachers College.
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How to Contact Us
Phone fas fa-phone-alt 620-341-5028
Email fas fa-envelope Eric True, Graduate Advisor
fas fa-envelope Have questions? Contact Dr. Tiffany Hill.
Department of Elementary Education / Early Childhood / Special Education
Emporia State University
1 Kellogg Circle
Campus Box 4036
Emporia, KS 66801
Department of Elementary Education / Early Childhood / Special Education
(on the ESU main campus)
1701 Morse Road
Visser Hall, 2nd Floor
Main Office, Rm 211