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Enrollment + Registration in Courses Index of Course Prefixes

Course prefixes used at ESU

AB - Arabic
AC - Accounting
AN - Anthropology
AR - Art
AS - Asian
AT - Art Therapy
AX - Athletic Training
BC - Economics, Business
BE - Business Education
BO - Botany
BU - General Business
CD - Early Childhood
CE - Counselor Education
CH - Chemistry
CS - Computer Science
CW - College Wide
DE - Driver Education
EA - Educational Administration
EB - Ecology & Biodiversity
EC - Economics
ED - Secondary Education
EE - Education, Elementary
EG - English
EL - Elementary
EP - Entrepreneurship
ER - Educational Research
ES - Earth Science
FI - Finance
FL - Modern Language
FO - Forensic
FR - French
GB - General Biology
GE - Geography
GO - Geology
GP - Great Plains
GR - German
HI - History

HL - Health
ID - Interdisciplinary Studies
IE - Intensive English
IR - Information Resource Studies
IS - Information Systems
IT - Instructional Technology
JO - Journalism
LE - Laboratory Experiences
LI - Library Information
LR - Leadership
MA - Mathematics
MC - Microbial & Cellular Biology
MG - Management
MH - Clinical Counseling, Mental Health
MK - Marketing
MU - Music
NU - Nursing
PE - Physical Education
PH - Physics
PI - Philosophy
PO - Political Science
PS - Physical Science
PY - Psychology
RC - Recreation
RE - Rehabilitation Education
SA - Spanish
SC - School Counseling
SD - Special Education
SL - Sport Leadership
SO - Sociology
SP - Communication
SS - Social Science
TH - Theatre
UL - University Libraries/Archives
ZO - Zoology