About Psychology
Tradition + Practice
About Psychology
American Psychological Association President Dr. George Miller eloquently argued in 1969 that rather than treat psychology as specialized knowledge for experts, we must “give psychology away” to the public, for the benefit of humankind. Psychology at ESU has always done so, since our first courses in “mental faculties” and “mental science” were offered to teacher candidates in 1868.
Psychology consists of the following degree programs: BS/BA/BSE in Psychology, MS in Clinical Psychology, MS in Psychology with concentrations in School, Educational, and Experimental Psychology, and the Ed.S. in School Psychology.
Professional development
The centerpiece of Psychology is student professional development, both inside and outside of the classroom. For instance, we have a vibrant Professional Development Series (PDS), where at least weekly there will be a chance to hear an interesting speaker, attend a demonstration, or participate in a department event such as research mix n’ mingle day. You’ll conduct original research, attend conferences with the faculty (at least two opportunities each year), and have a faculty member mentor you in research, and a career path. Students are actively involved in faculty research and often present papers and publish articles, and all undergraduates complete an internship.
Investing in the future
We know most of our candidates prefer face-to-face, hands-on learning, especially in our undergraduate programs, so we’re continuing to invest in our physical spaces. Our two primary classrooms and lab, where undergraduates take many of their courses, had a complete renovation recently, and shortly our remaining spaces will be renovated. Part of that includes our rat lab, one of the few in the country to which every major has access starting their first year. How will you do in our Rat Rodeo?
Teaching excellence
At Emporia State, good teaching is highly valued, and the department's faculty have won numerous university, state, and national teaching awards. However, they are also productive scholars with research interests encompassing a wealth of topics and leaders of various organizations. The past and current faculty come from throughout the United States and have doctorates from Texas A&M University, University of Toledo, Oklahoma State University, University of Kansas, Pennsylvania State University, University of North Texas, University of Nevada, Florida State University, Kansas State University, University of Arkansas, Louisiana State University, Purdue University, Rutgers University, Union Institute, University of Memphis and Columbia University.
Student organizations
Our student organizations plan programming and activities to foster professional growth. This includes Psi Chi, the national honor society in psychology, as well as Psychology Club and Active Minds. These groups sponsor travel to state, regional and national conventions including the Association for Psychological and Educational Research in Kansas, Great Plains Students' Psychology Convention, Southwestern Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, and the National Association of School Psychologists.
Courses are designed to provide students with the most current knowledge, skills, and competencies. Baccalaureate graduates annually have close to 100% placements either getting a job or being accepted for graduate work. Our graduate programs prepare students either for employment/licensure or acceptance into a doctoral program. Our graduates have recently entered doctoral programs at Kansas State University, Mississippi State University, Texas A&M University, Texas Christian University, Texas Tech University, Tulane University, University of Houston, University of Kansas, University of Minnesota, University of Missouri, University of Nebraska, University of Nevada at Las Vegas, University of New Mexico, University of New Orleans, University of North Carolina, University of North Dakota, University of Ohio, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University, University of South Carolina, University of South Dakota, and University of Southern Mississippi.
Join the students and faculty in Psychology to learn, travel, explore, excel, and prepare for the future.

Psychology is located in Visser Hall, located off of Merchant Street between 18th Avenue and 15th Avenue, with its main entrance on the east side.
The offices for Psychology are located on the third floor.
Mailing Address:
Emporia State University
1 Kellogg Circle
Campus Box 4031
Emporia, KS 66801
Physical Address:
1701 Morse Road
Visser Hall, 3rd Floor
Main Office, Rm 327