Psychology Scholarships
Explore scholarships offered through Psychology
In addition to other scholarships available through Emporia State University, there are scholarships allocated specifically to our majors each year.
Students do not apply for the scholarships below. Faculty and staff select students for the scholarships.
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Scholarships for undergraduate and graduate study can be searched for here.
Howard Carvajal Undergraduate Psychology Scholarship
Available to any psychology student, whether undergraduate or graduate.
This scholarship was established by the Department of Psychology in 1988 and renamed in 1999 in appreciation for Dr. Howard Carvajal's excellence in teaching, nationally recognized psychometric research, and outstanding dedication and service to ESU for 33 years.
This fund provides scholarships for worthy students attending or planning to attend ESU and majoring in Psychology.
Harry Levinson Scholarship in Organizational Behavior
Established by Harry Levinson in 1981, and amended in 2002 by Marc, Kathy, Anne and Brian Levinson on the occasion of Harry's 80th birthday, this fund will honor Harry's accomplishments and support future generations of students in the field he helped nurture.
Stephen Davis Student Opportunity Fund
Available to any psychology undergraduate student, preference to support research expenses including travel to present at conferences.
Established by the Department of Psychology and Special Education in 1996 to commemorate the completion of Dr. Stephen Davis' presidency of the Psi Chi Psychology Honor Society, this fund provides scholarships and grants to students majoring in psychology to assist them with educational research, projects or opportunities beyond the classroom and based on additional criteria outlined in the gift agreement on file at the Emporia State University Foundation.
David S. & Beverly J. Dungan Graduate Psychology Fund
Available to any psychology student, whether undergraduate or graduate.
Established in 1981 as the Psychology Graduate Fellowship Fund; amended and renamed to honor the service and scholarship of Dr. David S. Dungan in 2000; and renamed in 2002 to add Beverly's name in appreciation for the couple's generous giving; this fund provides scholarships for worthy students attending or planning to attend ESU who are pursuing a graduate degree in Psychology.
Freddie Mae Harris Fordham Scholarship
Available to students pursuing a degree in education, this typically goes to a BSE psychology major.
Established by Monroe and Freddie Mae Harris Fordham in 2008, this fund provides scholarships for students pursuing a degree in education who meet minimum GPA requirements, are given a copy of Freddie Mae Harris Fordham's autobiography and is awarded based on the recommendation of the faculty of The Teachers College.
Inez Carmichael Friesen Scholarship
Available to an academically worthy student earning a BSE psychology degree.
Established by Paula Sauder in 1997, and amended in 2007, this fund provides annual scholarships for academically worthy students who meet general scholarship requirements and are earning a degree in teacher education.
Dr. Sharon K. Karr School Psychology Scholarship
Available to graduate students in School Psychology, awarded at the preference of the core faculty in that program. May be issued as more than one award.
Established by Dr. Sharon Karr, former Psychology & Special Education faculty member, and her husband Dr. Jerry Karr in 2003, this fund provides scholarships for students pursuing a graduate degree in School Psychology.
David W. Leipold Memorial Scholarship
Available to any psychology student, whether undergraduate or graduate. May be dispersed as multiple awards.
Established by Valerie & William Leipold in 1978 in honor of their son David, who was a junior student at Emporia State University at the time of his death, and renamed in 2004, this fund provides annual scholarships for graduate assistants majoring in Psychology.
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Scholarships for undergraduate and graduate study can be searched for here.