MLS — Outreach and Community Engagement Concentration
Learn how to reach underserved, diverse and hard to reach populations
MLS — Outreach and Community Engagement Concentration
In this concentration, students will conduct community needs analysis with an emphasis on reaching underserved, diverse, and hard to reach populations. This concentration will focus on innovative outreach services for children, teens and adults and will be appropriate for students who plan to work in public, academic, special libraries and other information agencies.
The goal of the online Master of Library Science is to prepare creative problem solvers who will provide proactive client-centered services in information agencies. To meet this goal, the curriculum is designed to provide the following dynamic mix of courses:
- Core theory courses provide the foundation from which students learn the skill sets necessary for the library and information management profession.
- Tools courses provide instruction on how to catalog and classify information, retrieve and repackage information, diagnose information needs, plan and evaluate information services, and use print and electronic information sources.
- Applications courses amplify and extend the themes identified in the theory courses and focus on information transfer, global information infrastructure, management, and technology.
- Elective courses are devoted to current issues in the profession and a capstone experience provides an opportunity to synthesize the educational experience in preparation for entering the field.
SLIM faculty teach all of the required theory courses in the curriculum and most of the elective offerings. SLIM hires qualified practitioners to teach certain elective courses that match their areas of expertise. In this way, SLIM students receive a quality education experience grounded in theory and in touch with the latest and best practices in the field.
Since many of their classes involve working with practitioners in the field, SLIM students benefit from outstanding opportunities for professional networking.
The SLIM MLS program is a 36-credit hour degree online program fully accredited by the American Library Association.

Program delivery designed for non-traditional students
Many students are drawn to SLIM because it offers a unique opportunity for non-traditional students. To meet the needs of its students, SLIM offers most of its MLS courses in a non-traditional format. All courses are facilitated online.
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Concentration Curriculum
- Course Requirements
To earn a concentration, students must complete 9 credit hours of prescribed coursework. A 9 credits hour concentration would apply towards the 14 credit hours of electives required for the MLS degree.
Must take at least one of
LI 811 Community Needs Analysis (3 hours)
LI 833 Resources and Services for Diverse Populations (3 hours)
Select 6 hours from the following:
LI 809 Introduction to Archives (3 hours)
LI 822 Multiple Literacies in Libraries (3 hours)
LI 825 Special Topics in Diversity and Inclusion (3 hours)
LI 833 Resources and Services for Diverse Population (3 hours)
LI 835 Information Service for Academic Libraries (2 hours)
LI 836 Information Service for Public Libraries (3 hours)
LI 868 Advocacy and Information Organizations (3 hours)
LI 886 Consumer Health Information (3 hours)
or other approved course (1-3 hours)
or approved practicum (1-3 hours)
Contact SLIM
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For more information about the program, please contact us at or fill out this information request form.