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Accounting and Technology Directory

Accounting and Technology Directory

Suraiya Akhter

Suraiya Akhter

Assistant Professor
Accounting & Technology

Campus Box 4039

Building Cremer Hall

Room 202

  • 620-341-5274
Juan Chavarria

Juan Chavarria

Associate Professor
Accounting & Technology

Campus Box 4039

Building Cremer Hall

Room 501A

  • 620-341-5056
Payson Maydew

Payson Maydew

Accounting & Technology

Campus Box 4039

Building Cremer Hall

Room 309

  • 620-341-6481
Danya Mi

Danya Mi

Assistant Professor
Accounting & Technology

Campus Box 4039

Building Cremer Hall

Room 311

  • 620-341-5476
Daehyun Moon

Daehyun Moon

Assistant Professor
Accounting & Technology

Campus Box 4039

Building Cremer Hall

Room 304

  • 620-341-5913
Tammy Norman

Tammy Norman

Accounting & Technology

Campus Box 4001

Building Plumb Hall

Room 202

  • 620-341-5341
Sajedur Rahman

Sajedur Rahman

Associate Professor
Accounting & Technology

Campus Box 4039

Building Cremer Hall

Room 501B

  • 620-341-5087
Leticia Rust

Leticia Rust

Senior Director-CyROC, e-Ventures, and Internships
Accounting & Technology

Campus Box 4039

Building Cremer Hall

Room 207

  • 620-341-5106

Geethalakshmi Shivanapura Lakshmikanth

Visiting Assistant Professor
Accounting & Technology

Campus Box 4039

Building Cremer Hall

  • 620-341-5345
DJ Smith

DJ Smith

Associate Professor
Accounting & Technology

Campus Box 4039

Building Cremer Hall

Room 521

  • 620-341-5548
Tanja Steigner

Tanja Steigner

Accounting & Technology

Campus Box 4039

Building Cremer Hall

Room 510

  • 620-341-6932
Mary Teal

Mary Teal

Associate Professor
Accounting & Technology

Campus Box 4039

Building Cremer Hall

Room 301A

  • 620-341-5346
Lei Wen

Lei Wen

Associate Professor
Accounting & Technology

Campus Box 4039

Building Cremer Hall

Room 502

  • 620-341-5044