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Hornet Statehouse Buzz Feb. 3, 2023

Week 4 of the Statehouse Buzz: Jan. 30-Feb. 3, 2023

Ken Hush paid a visit to the statehouse during the week of Jan. 30-Feb. 4, 2023, to meet and greet with groups of legislators, including ESU alums Speaker Dan Hawkins and House Minority Leader Vic Miller. The meetings went very well as President Hush demonstrated the need for continued transformation of ESU and higher education in Kansas. That was the highlight of the week; the Buzz enjoyed having the company at the statehouse. President Hush will testify to the Senate Ways and Means subcommittee on higher education on Feb. 16.

Several things worth reporting on this week:

  1. Blake Flanders of KBOR testified twice this week to the Senate Education Committee on teacher preparation programs and on higher ed by the numbers. Both testimonies were well received, and Blake also got a lot of tough questions, handling them very well.
  2. SB 94 removing the Educational Building Fund mill levy and transferring it to State General Fund budget received a hearing on Wednesday, Feb. 1 in Senate Tax committee. KBOR opposed the bill in testimony, and many lawmakers the Buzz has talked to do as well, but it bears following.

Finally, ESU presentations before the Senate Ways and Means subcommittee on Higher Ed will be held on Feb. 16. Each president will get 10-15 minutes with questions following. Our presentation to the House Higher Ed Budget committee will be on March 1 for the full 60 minutes.

Still relatively slow at the statehouse for higher ed matters, but things start to pick up the week of Feb. 13 when budget testimonies begin.

That’s the buzz this week!

Stingers Up!

Greg Schneider

Government Relations Officer