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Phase I Application Instructions

Application Instructions

Follow these directions to complete the Secondary Phase I application. Deadlines to complete the application are October 1 for spring Phase I and March 1 for fall Phase I. You should set up a time to meet with your professional advisor during the first week of open enrollment. You can contact them to set up this meeting now.

  1. Go to Enter your Emporia State username and password. Click "login". Contact ESU's Help Desk with any questions at 341-5555 (Toll Free: 1-877-341-5555).
  2. Click on "Click here to activate my account"
  3. Click on "Candidate Applications" and "Phase I Applications"
  4. Student Information section: Click on "Click Here to Enter Student Info" and enter the information.
    Note the following:
    a. For "Phase I Entry Date" put the semester you will take Phase I, not the semester in which you apply
    b. Complete the "Teaching Fields" section by selecting your licensure area(s) from the drop-down boxes
    d. Once the information is submitted, click "Continue." You must verify that your contact information is correct to continue.
  5. Core General Education GPA section. "Click Here to Enter Core Courses" to start.
    a. You will see the general education courses for students enrolling in college in 2010 and later. If you began college prior to 2010, click on "Click if Requirements Don’t Match."
    b. For each course, choose the course you took by clicking the empty box in the Course Column of the page and choosing your course from the drop-down selection.
    c. If your grades do not automatically appear upon choosing the course that meets each requirement, select the box in the Student Reported column of the page and enter the credit hours and grade for each course you’ve completed.
    d. Click on “Continue” once information has been entered for each course.
  6. Required Courses section. Repeat what you did in #5 for the courses listed.
  7. Direct Disclosure section. Click on the Direct Disclosure Form link and fill out the form, demonstrating that you understand that ESU prepares you for Kansas licensure and it is your responsibility to research licensure requirements for other states, should you choose to teach outside of Kansas.
  8. Approval Forms section.
    1. 100 Hours of Child Advocacy Service. If you need to record additional student contact hours to fulfill the required 100 hours of student contact, then click on the 100 Hours of Supervised Experience form link. This will allow you to record additional hours. Please make sure to correctly insert the email for whomever supervised your contact hours, as they will finish and sign off on the digital form.
    2. Signature Form/Program Approval. Click on and complete the Signature Form/Program Approval form link. Read the statements and add your initials in each box below the statement as well as your electronic signature and date at the bottom. Once you click the continue arrow, the form will be sent to your program coordinator to request their signature indicating program approval.
    3. Phase I Fee and Background Check. Read the Notice of Phase I Fee and Background Check form to understand the need to obtain background check before starting Phase I and to understand the course fee associated with Phase I courses. 100% of this fee goes to the mentor teachers with whom you will work during Phase I.
  9. Set up an appointment with your academic supervisor to review Phase I requirements. If they determine that you are ready for Phase I, you will be provisionally enrolled in Phase I courses. THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE ACCEPTED TO PHASE I. Once the application window closes, the Phase I admissions committee will review your application and determine your admittance status. If you are denied admittance, you will have the opportunity to appeal that decision based on the actions you plan to take to gain admittance. The Phase I appeals committee will then determine whether to fully admit you, admit you provisionally, admit you conditionally or deny admittance. These terms are clarified in the Signature Form (see 8.b).

If you have questions, contact Cecil Short, Director of Secondary Education, at 620-341-5078.